Attention Diabetics, Pre-Diabetics and Those Struggling with Weight Loss:
See How More than 173,880 Men & Women Treat Themselves to Cookies, Cakes, Ice Cream and ALL the Guilty Pleasures They Want While Lowering Their Blood Sugar By as Much as 51 Pts, Ditching the Medication and Losing Up to 15 Lbs a Month...

Simply by Using This 5-Minute “Dessert Trick” Developed by a Nutritional Therapist Who Helps People Enjoy Sweets Again (Even If They’ve Struggled with High Blood Sugar for Years)
Meet Allison. 5 years ago she started using the 5-minute “dessert trick” together with her husband to maintain proper blood sugar levels while enjoying their favorite treats.
Little did they know that they’d also drop a few extra pounds... lose that “inflammation look” a.k.a skinny fat... and that their muscles will “have such great definition now.”
But let’s also talk about Dave.
He’s been taking advantage of the “dessert trick” for just over 2 months now and has completely reversed his health.
Dave says he went from a type 2 diabetic to A1C level below 7.0 – and that he doesn’t even need medication anymore, all while satisfying his sweet tooth.
And then there’s Patti... a sweet soul that lost 22 lbs... without experiencing cravings or hunger... she says she’ll continue this lifestyle for the rest of her life!
Amazing, right?
But what’s their secret? How did they achieve such great health results without neglecting their sweet tooth...
...but by simply doing this 5-minute “dessert trick”?
Here’s a hint:
And when you understand the reason, you too, can end all blood sugar related problems – allowing you to move through life without weight issues...
...reverse your A1C numbers and remember what diabetes-free living truly is...
...and even get in your best shape ever with less struggle & pain...
...while eating all your favorite desserts.
The best part?
You won’t need to go through another “flexible” diet that just tells you to restrict yourself now so you can enjoy the calories later...
And gives temporary results at best...
While everyone at the dinner table eats their dessert without a single care in the world.
I understand if all of this seems like a pipe dream to you now.
- Struggling with erratic blood sugar
- Trying to control your weight
- Developing pre-diabetic symptoms
- Fighting your A1C numbers...
Then you’ve probably tested out all the diets and doctor’s recommendations.
You’ve seen it all and tried it all.
And deep inside you may feel that these so-called “solutions” only mask your symptoms.
They do nothing to take care of the actual problem.
And as you’ll soon discover, relying on such “fixes” indeed does NOT solve your cravings or the fact that you have to restrict yourself...
Nor does it help with keeping your blood sugar and weight in check.
Now, I’m happy you landed on this website.

Without worrying ever again about your blood sugar levels, stubborn weight, dizziness and sluggishness, or if you’re diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Because the sad truth is...
Most experts like demonizing the sweet, guilty pleasures we all relish.
That’s why people get frustrated.
Every time they have a bite, they start feeling ANXIOUS.
But this shouldn’t be the case.
So when you act on the information you’re about to see, you’ll quickly eliminate your health woes just like Allison, Dave, Patti and 173,800+ other men and women...
Regardless if you happen to be over 40...
Or if you’re simply discouraged by how bad things might currently seem.
That’s why by the time you’re done reading this letter, you’ll have found out:
- The actual reason why most desserts spike your blood sugar and make you gain weight like crazy (it’s because of something I call “dirty carbs”)
- My emergency room story that found me lying in the hospital bed with a stabbing pain in my stomach that wouldn’t go away... and how my sweet tooth was the culprit behind it
- How to deal with “dirty carbs” & the truth about their ingredients (in reality, only 3 of the ingredients do real damage to your body – so I’ll show you how to replace them with natural, safe alternatives that DON’T spike your blood sugar and get you to burn fat instead)
Plus, the simple 5-minute “dessert trick” I keep referring to.
So please bear with me because what I’m about to reveal will change your life...
I’m a professional baker, a health coach, and a certified nutritional therapist.
I’ve released 7+ best-selling cookbooks that have sold more than 1.2 million copies to people in over 24 countries around the world.
But before all of that…
I was a sad, sick person.
You see, my health journey started suddenly…
And without warning.
One Night In College, I Found Myself Laying In
A Hospital Bed In The Emergency Room With
A Stabbing Pain That Wouldn’t Go Away
But according to the doctors, all my internal organs were fine.
As I talked to dozens of different experts, I came face to face with an uncomfortable truth…
My pain, acne, weight gain, and other health problems were caused my one thing:
My crappy diet.
I was in complete denial…
I told myself I was eating healthy because I was a vegetarian.
But in reality, I had a terrible sweet tooth…
And I treated myself to French fries, cookies, cake, ice cream, and pizza more than I should.
After that ER visit, I went on a journey. I totally changed how I ate…
It was hard at first.
But then very quickly, I said goodbye to pretty much every health issue plaguing me, including:
- Creaky, achy joints
- Feeling tired and exhausted all the time
- Terrible sleep
- Bloaty, constipated, uncomfortable digestion
- Inflammation and leaky gut
- And more

In short, I felt years younger than I was…
And people told me I looked younger, too!
That’s when I decided to dedicate my life to helping men & women go through the same health transformation.
Since then, I’ve helped more than 237,660 men & women with these same issues.
One Of The Most Common Health Problems Men & Women Come To Me With Is High Blood Sugar

You see, high blood sugar is one of the most terrifying health issues around.
You can feel totally fine and healthy one day…
Then suddenly…
BAM – you get sent to the hospital room out of nowhere because your levels are either too high or too low.
Or… you could get hit with a heart attack or a stroke that cripples you for the rest of your life.
Agonizing nerve pain.
Failing kidneys.
It could even be a stern lecture from your doctor, warning you:
“We Just Checked Your Fasting Blood Sugar… It’s 192 And Your A1C Is 8.6. If You Don’t Control Your Blood Sugar, You Could Go Blind Or Get Your Leg Amputated”
The worst part of it all isn’t even poking yourself with needles every day…
Buying glucometer strips…
One of the worst parts of having to deal with high blood sugar is you can’t ENJOY food anymore!
You CAN’T eat anything you love.
You CAN’T indulge in carbs or sugar.
You have to eat salads all day and exercise like a fitness model to lose weight.
The problem is…
Most men & women are simply too tired, too busy, and not gifted with great genetics.
So they DON’T have the time & energy to eat healthy… take care of work and the family… PLUS manage their blood sugar all day.
Plus: who doesn’t want to collapse on the couch at the end of a long day and enjoy a bowl of ice cream…
Or a few chocolate chip cookies?
Everybody enjoys desserts.
So why shouldn’t you get to, too?
You Deserve To Treat Yourself To Desserts, Sweets, And Treats, No Matter What Other People Are Telling You
In just a moment, I’m going to show you how you can enjoy cakes, cookies, brownies, and pies again…
All thanks to a simple, 5-minute dessert trick.
As you can imagine…
Desserts are one of the foods that people struggling with high blood sugar miss the most.
They’re also what men & women indulge in the most…
Even when they know they shouldn’t.
When I realized how big of a problem this was with my clients…
The first thing I did was figure out how to fix it.
You see, normal desserts are terrible for people with high blood sugar because of one main issue:
Something I call “dirty carbs.”
The Reason Why Most Desserts Spike Your Blood
Sugar And Make You Gain Weight Like Crazy Is
Because Of “Dirty Carbs”
Believe it or not…
When it comes to your blood sugar and your waistline, most ingredients in desserts are completely harmless.
There are just 3 that do real damage to your body.
Dirty Carb #1:
Processed Sugar
It spikes your blood sugar…
Ruins your body’s ability to process sugar…
And the worst part: it leads to toxic sugar floating in your blood.
This sugar attacks your body’s cells, destroys nerves in your hands and feet, decays blood vessels in your eyes, and more.
That’s why those with Type II diabetes are more likely to get several forms of cancer…
Have a 250% increased risk of dementia…
And are 5 TIMES as likely to get heart disease. 3-11
Big food companies “hide” toxic sugar in your food under all sorts of names, like high fructose corn syrup, agave, and sucrose.
Luckily, there are healthy substitutes that give the same sweet taste, without spiking your blood sugar and without leaving deadly sugar floating in your blood.
Dirty Carb #2:
As a sugar, it can spike your blood sugar just like normal sugar…
Yet there’s one big difference.
Lactose can destroy your digestive system.
When most people drink milk, eat cheese, or consume other dairy products, they end up with:
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
… and all sorts of other nasty issues with their digestion.
The truth is, lactose inflames your gut… which wreaks havoc all over your body. 13-17
In fact, lactose is so toxic that 75% of all adults in the entire world are lactose intolerant!
Most dessert recipes use milk as a way to hydrate all the ingredients…
But today, I’m going to show you an even tastier ingredient that does the same thing, except 2X better!
Dirty Carb #3:
Wheat Flour
You may have heard that wheat flour has a toxic protein called gluten, which causes leaky gut and inflammation all over your body…
Even if you’re not gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive. 12
While it is true gluten destroys your gut lining and leads to all sorts of issues like brain fog, exhaustion, and bloating…
Wheat flour has even more toxins you may not be aware of.
For example…
Wheat flour is one of the only carbs that has a toxin called amylopectin-A.
Amylopectin-A has been found to spike your blood sugar even HIGHER than pure table sugar.
One of my friends even did a test.
He used a blood glucometer 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread, and 45 minutes eating a bowl of oatmeal.
Each had the same amount of carbs…
Yet the oatmeal brought her blood sugar from 86 to 112…
While the wheat toast spiked her blood sugar from 86 to 155!
Bottom line?
Most cookies, brownies, pie crusts, and other desserts are terrible for your blood sugar!
Today, I’m going to show how to fix all of this so you can enjoy the same great desserts, all while lowering your blood sugar back to normal levels.
You see, after years of experimenting with dessert recipes…
I’ve Discovered How To Replace All 3
“Dirty Carbs”
With Natural, Safe Alternatives That DON’T Spike
Your Blood Sugar
When I discovered how many of my clients struggle with a sweet tooth…
I made it my mission to help them by creating safe, fat-burning dessert recipes that help stabilize blood sugar instead of spiking it.
And I started coming up with new recipes for cakes, cookies, brownies, ice cream, and pies.
After testing for years…
I discovered that you can make desserts that burn fat and support healthy blood sugar…
All by taking these 3 dirty carbs out…
And replacing them with 3 ingredients that are 100% blood sugar safe.
The best part is…
The desserts taste just as good, if not BETTER than the originals!
I call it my “healthy dessert trick.”
Here’s exactly how I do it…
Healthy Dessert Switch #1:
Take OUT Toxic Processed Sugar And Replace It With This Fat-Burning Alternative

These natural sweeteners taste the same as the sugar you’re used to…
Except they don’t spike your blood sugar…
They don’t make you pack on weight…
And they contain basically 0 carbs and 0 calories. 18-28
Here’s the crazy part…
When you take erythritol, there is ZERO change to your blood sugar or insulin. 22
A study out of Boston University School of Medicine even found that it improves circulation and keeps your blood vessels healthy! 24
Monk fruit powder has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in mice…
Improve cholesterol…
And even improve insulin signaling! 18-28
Because of all these benefits, studies have shown that zero calorie sweeteners like these help men & women lose a significant amount of weight!
Here’s the problem…
Pretty much no one knows how to use these in dessert recipes the right way.
The sweetness level of monk fruit powder and erythritol is different from table sugar…
For example, monk fruit powder is 250X sweeter than normal sugar!
So you CAN’T just stick the same amount in a recipe and expect it to taste good.
That’s why I spent years perfecting this substitution to create healthy recipes for oreos… walnut brownies… coconut cake… custard pie and more.
In just a moment, I’ll share how you can get these recipes for yourself.
Healthy Dessert Switch #2:
Remove Blood-Sugar-Spiking Wheat Flour And
Use THIS Safe, Healthy Replacement

Luckily, there’s a simple substitution…
Almond flour and coconut flour!
These don’t spike your blood sugar…
Are low calorie…
And they’re not filled with a load of carbs.
The only thing is… you CAN’T just do a 1 for 1 substitution.
Almond flour is crumbly and less sticky than wheat flour…
So it needs more binding agent.
Coconut flour is extremely absorbent…
So you can’t add too much water, and the key to keeping the taste right is adding eggs to the recipe.
If that sounds super complicated… don’t worry!
I’ve gone through the trial & error of getting the calculations just right…
And in just a moment, I’ll show you how you can get my done-for-you dessert recipes for yourself.
Healthy Dessert Switch #3:
Ditch The Lactose-Filled Dairy – Enjoy The Same Great Taste By Using THIS Instead

Milk is always used in dessert recipes to moisten and dissolve the dry ingredients.
Unfortunately, this fills the desserts with lactose…
Which spikes your blood sugar and inflames your gut.
The good news is, I’ve figured out how to recreate the same great taste with coconut milk, coconut oil, and melted ghee instead.
Once you try it… you’ll be amazed at the taste!
The best part?
These ingredients taste great and keep your blood sugar in a safe, healthy range!
It’s almost like you’re eating a salad…
Except it’s CAKE!
These 3 Healthy Blood Sugar Switches Are How I Create Healthy Dessert Recipes That Taste Just As Good, If Not BETTER Than The Originals
They take out ingredients that spike your blood sugar and replace them with safe alternatives…
After I perfected these 3 ingredient substitutions, I buried myself in the kitchen…
Creating recipe after recipe.
My goal was to create a brand new cookbook that lets anyone satisfy their sweet tooth again…
Even if they’re struggling with high blood sugar…
Even if they’re trying to lose weight…
And even if they’re doctor’s telling them to eat healthy.
After testing the recipes out on family and friends…
Tweaking and perfecting the amounts…
I finally arrived on 86 of my best blood-sugar safe dessert recipes.
Diabetes Friendly Desserts
86 Tasty Recipes For Cookies, Brownies, Cake, Pie, And Ice Cream That Taste Amazing, Burn Fat, And Support Healthy Blood Sugar

Today, I’m releasing 500 copies of this brand new cookbook to the public…
And you can grab a copy for yourself right here on this page.
If you’ve ever been told you need to eat healthier because of your blood sugar or your weight…
This cookbook is for you.
Now, you can enjoy your favorite sweets without guilt and without worrying about your health.
Because thanks to these ingredient substitutions, these desserts will help you keep your blood sugar stable…
Burn up to 15 pounds of fat off your tummy in a month…
In short…
You can finally have your cake and eat it too!
You’d never guess these are healthy, fat-burning desserts that are 100% safe for those with high blood sugar…
And that’s the beauty of it all!
Inside Diabetes Friendly Desserts, every recipe bursts with flavor.
The cakes are moist and decadent…
The cookies are crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.
The brownies are gooey, savory, and hit the spot every time…
And the cherry on top is they’re low-carb, with zero sugar, gluten, and any other toxin.
Just check out what’s inside:
15 Cookie Recipes Filled With Chocolate-y
And Ooey-Gooey Deliciousness
These cookie recipes are a perfect solution to anyone’s sweeth-tooth.
Even better…
Take one bite and you could feel like a kid all over again!

5 Warm, Crispy Brownie Recipes That
Crush Cravings
And Burn Fat Off Your Belly
There’s not a whole lot better than a brownie fresh out of the oven…
And inside Diabetes Friendly Desserts, there’s 6 different recipes!
I’m talking “can’t-just-have-one” treats like:

21 Cake And Frosting Recipes That Tantalize Your Taste Buds And Balance Your Blood Sugar At The Same Time
Want to be the hit at any party you go to?
Give these fat-burning cake recipes a go… they’re guaranteed to light up any room!
Birthday parties… office get-togethers… or just a regular friday after work… the occasion doesn’t matter.
These cakes are so simple to make, you can whip them up in just a few minutes…
Even if you’re not a whiz in the kitchen.
Just use my simple-to-follow instructions, they couldn’t be easier.
Your trim tummy and boundless energy will be all the proof you’ll need.

9 Flakey, Crispy Pie Recipes That Are So Tasty, Your Loved Ones Will Practically Beg For Your Secret
Enjoy a slice after a meal… or even two!
It doesn’t matter, because each recipe is made with ingredients that are non-fattening and blood sugar safe!

11 Pudding And Custard Recipes That Melt In
Your Mouth And Keep You Guessing
Diabetes Friendly Desserts has so many recipes…
There’s something for everybody!
For example, check out these tantalizing recipes:

15 Frozen Treats That Go Great With A TV Show
And A Big, Comfy Couch
Next, we have ice cream recipes that are perfect for cooling down on a hot day…
Or for a post-dinner snack.

10 Candy Recipes That Are Perfect
Grab N’ Go Snacks When You’re Short On Time
Keep a few of these snacks around…
Just in case you need a tasty pick-me-up before work.
If you’re busy and on the go a lot, you’ll love these!

Each Recipe Inside Diabetes Friendly Desserts Comes With A Gorgeous Photo, Nutrition Info, Cooking Times, And Serving Sizes Listed!

Check your blood sugar…
And see that it’s NOT shooting through the roof.
Or to treat yourself to dessert night after night…
Step on the scale in the morning…
And see the number actually drop!
It’s 100% possible.
Just check out what some of my past clients have said:
"My blood sugar stabilized and bowels improved so profoundly..."
“I am 70+ and feel younger and waaay more alert and mentally sharp. I lost at least 5 lbs last check, first time my weight changed from its 2 years at 152. (Recently I chose to drop […] from Diabetes 2) and as soon as I stopped the med and started eating […], my blood sugar stabilized and bowels improved so profoundly.”
– Lu L.
"Losing 10 inches around waist, hips and breasts/chest area..."
“I am very happy at losing 10 inches around waist, hips and breasts/ chest area. Energy level is up as well as endurance through the day. The meal plan has been so good with the variety. Thank you!”
– Sarah L.
Disclaimer: These results are exceptional, and our average customer loses 3.93lbs per month when following our program along with other healthy lifestyle practice.
"My husband said he would do it with me. [...] He eats what I make and praises the taste..."
“I am [doing this] to get my A1C count down. My husband said he would do it with me. […] He eats what I make and praises the taste.”
– Jenny A.
The best part?
You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Baker To Whip Up The Tasty Treats In Diabetes Friendly Desserts

Which is why I made sure each recipe in Diabetes Friendly Desserts is simple! Most can be prepared in 20-40 minutes…
And some even quicker!
Even if you struggle to make the most basic recipes, you’ll still be able to make the tasty recipes in Diabetes Friendly Desserts.
In fact, we actually get emails all the time from customers who make the desserts with their grandkids.
So if a 10 year old can make the desserts in Diabetes Friendly Desserts, I’m convinced you won’t have any issues.
Now, one other concern I hear from customers is about the ingredients.
And specifically where to get them…
You Can Find Every Ingredient At Your Local
Grocery Store… How Cool Is That?
If this is your first cookbook, then sure, some of the ingredients will be new.
But most — if not all — are laying around your kitchen already.
Any ingredient you need can be easily found at a normal grocery store or on Amazon.
I know baking can seem intimidating, but I specifically created the recipes in Diabetes Friendly Desserts to be healthy, delicious, and most importantly, simple.
So if you want these delicious recipes to keep your blood sugar stable and burn fat off your tummy… then grab your copy this second.
We have 500 copies available, and they’re given out on a first come, first serve basis.
Don’t miss out.
Now at this point, you may be wondering… how much is the Diabetes Friendly Desserts cookbook?
Before I reveal that, let me tell you about some FREE bonuses you’ll be getting.
I’ll Also Throw In $64.97 Worth Of FREE DIGITAL GIFTS When You Grab Diabetes Friendly Desserts Today
Natural Remedies For High Blood Sugar
($29.99 Value)
The more of these herbs and spices you take, the healthier your levels get.
Most clinicians won’t mention these…
Yet they’re simple ingredients you can find at your local supermarket.
They may even be in your kitchen right now!
Recent studies show that adding these to your diet can make a dramatic difference.
Inside this digital PDF report, you’ll discover:
- The desert plant that helps lower fasting blood glucose and support healthy A1C, according to a study from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 29
- A Chinese fruit that’s been used for centuries to significantly improve fasting blood glucose levels in just 12 weeks 30
- A Mediterranean seed that slows carb digestion – you can take it to lower the blood sugar spike after a meal 31
And much, much more!
You can get this bonus report FREE today with your order of Diabetes Friendly Desserts.
The Sugar Switch Guide For Diabetics
($19.99 Value)
If you want to make your own recipes with these “safe sugars”, I included this Sugar Switch Guide For Diabetics digital pdf to help with the conversions.
How much monk fruit powder do you need for your new cake recipe?
What sweetener should you use for your banana bread?
It can all be very confusing!
Inside this report, I show you exactly how to figure out the conversions for yourself.
I’ll include an easy-to-use conversion guide, as well as cheat sheets to make ingredient swapping super easy.
That way, you can make any recipe blood sugar safe!
Today, I’ll include this sugar switch guide with your order of Diabetes Friendly Desserts for FREE.
Diabetes Friendly Smoothies
($14.99 Value)
Inside, you’ll find 14 recipes for smoothies that support healthy blood sugar…
And burn fat off your trouble areas.
These are great as a meal replacement, or to get your daily fill of vitamins and minerals.
Just check out the amazing recipes inside:
Normally, this bonus is worth $14.99…
But today, I’ll send a FREE digital copy with your order of Diabetes Friendly Desserts.
This Trio Of Bonuses Is Worth $64.97…
But When You Grab Diabetes Friendly
Desserts Today… They’re FREE!

At this point, let me ask you a question…
How much is good health worth?
To me, I believe it’s priceless… ESPECIALLY as you get older.
But let’s put a price on it, just for argument’s sake.
If you’ve got erratic blood sugar, you may be paying up to $7,200 a year for insulin and medications.
Copays for doctors visits may add another $150…
And that’s not including any emergency room visits, which can pop up at any time if you’re struggling with weight and blood sugar issues.
That’s $3,000 a pop…
Which adds up to $10,350 a year in health expenses.
Plus, think about this…
What’s The Value Of Being Able To Enjoy Desserts Again?
Food is one of the greatest joys in life.
I believe the simple ability to enjoy your favorite foods safely…
Without guilt and without worry…
Is even more valuable than whatever the health expenses add up to.
That being said, today you won’t be paying thousands of dollars for the Diabetes Friendly Desserts Cookbook and all three bonuses.
You won’t be paying $300…
Or even $147.
Normally, the value of this cookbook and all three bonuses adds up to:
- Diabetes Friendly Desserts ($47)
- Natural Remedies For High Blood Sugar ($29.99)
- The Sugar Switch Guide For Diabetics ($19.99)
- Diabetes Friendly Smoothies ($14.99)
Yet today, I’m offering a massive discount to it all…

You Can grab Everything On This Page For A One-Time Payment Of Just $19.95!
A no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree?
I’m even going to make sure that you don’t risk a penny when you pick up a copy of Diabetes Friendly Desserts today.
That’s because…
You’re Backed By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee
Here’s the deal:
You have a full 60 days to try the recipes in Diabetes Friendly Desserts.
And if you’re not jumping with joy over a slimmer belly…
Healthier blood sugar levels…
How melt-in-your-mouth and delicious every recipe is…
And how much more productive you are with your new energy…
Then you won’t pay a dime.
We’ll refund your shipping and handling free… and you can keep the recipe book, and the bonuses as a “thank you” for trying.
So grab your copy today.
You deserve it.
– Kelsey Ale
Here’s How To Claim Your
Copy Of Diabetes Friendly Desserts
We’ve got 500 physical copies available today through this special promotion.
Thousands of people may be looking at this page today…
So I have no clue how long these 500 copies will last.
At the bottom of this page, you’ll see two big buttons to grab your copy of Diabetes Friendly Desserts today.
You can either choose a digital copy or a physical copy.
So go ahead and click the button below that works for you to grab your copy plus all 3 free bonuses today.
Believe me: these are some of the best desserts you’ll ever have… and once you bite into your first recipe, you’ll wonder how you went so long without them.
If you choose a physical copy, we’ll rush ship a copy to your doorstep…
(And you’ll also get a digital PDF copy so you can start making these TONIGHT!)
If you choose the digital version, we’ll just send you the PDF copy.
You risk nothing, so why not?
So click the button below now and claim your copy now.
Let’s recap:
Today, you’re getting…
- Diabetes Friendly Desserts ($47)
- Natural Remedies For High Blood Sugar ($29.99)
- The Sugar Switch Guide For Diabetics ($19.99)
- Diabetes Friendly Smoothies ($14.99)

Total: $111.97 Value
…All For Just $19.95!
Put these 4 together, and there’s nothing standing between you and the healthy lifestyle you’ve always wanted…
And all the responsibility is on my shoulders.
Grab your copy today while we still have some available.
At This Point You Have Two Options…

Spend thousands of dollars on ingredients trying (and failing a LOT) to recreate these dessert recipes so they actually taste good…
Or you can skip all of that craziness and save a ton of money by grabbing Diabetes Friendly Desserts and all 3 FREE bonuses today.
It’s an investment in your health and your happiness… which I’m sure is worth a lot more to you than the tiny cost for this book…
Don’t you agree?
Let’s do this -- together -- click the button below that works for you and claim your copy of Diabetes Friendly Desserts right now:
– Kelsey Ale
(Instant Download or Shipped to Your Door)

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do the recipes inside Diabetes Friendly Desserts really support healthy blood sugar?
Yes, the recipes inside Diabetes Friendly Desserts only use ingredients that don’t spike your blood sugar. These ingredients are blood sugar safe, and promote healthy weight loss. Nevertheless, because of all-natural zero calorie sweeteners like erythritol and monk fruit powder, these desserts still taste amazing!
Q. What sweeteners are used in Diabetes Friendly Desserts?
The sweeteners used in these recipes are erythritol and monk fruit extract. Both of these zero-sugar sweeteners are derived from natural sources, and they are combined to create a “full” sweet flavor instead of the normal “fake” sweet flavors associated with most sugar-free sweeteners.
Q. Is there a digital copy of Diabetes Friendly Desserts?
Yes. You can choose to have a physical copy shipped to your door as well as a digital copy…
Or you can just get the digital copy.
The choice is yours!
Q. Can I find all the ingredients in a normal grocery store?
Yes, almost all of the ingredients in Diabetes Friendly Desserts can be found in regular grocery stores (i.e. Kroger, Publix, Target, Wal-Mart etc…)
They’re also all on Amazon, and can definitely be found in health food stores like Whole Foods.
Q. Are the desserts gluten free?
Yes, all of the desserts in Diabetes Friendly Desserts are gluten-free.
Q. When will my book arrive?
When you click the button below to confirm your order, your copy will be shipped out either today or tomorrow.
It normally takes about 7 business days to arrive.
Please allow longer delivery times for international orders.
Q. How hard are the desserts to make?
A majority of the desserts can be put together in 15 minutes or less (not including baking time) – there are a few “fancier” dessert recipes in here for those times you want to show off, but otherwise the recipes are meant to be easy to follow so you can whip up delicious treats for yourself and your loved ones with minimal effort.
Q. What allergens are in Diabetes Friendly Desserts desserts?
Some of the potential allergens you may want to be aware of include coconut (coconut flour, coconut oil, coconut milk/cream, and coconut butter), nuts (like almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, and pecans), and eggs. Options for using butter or ghee in some recipes can easily be replaced with coconut oil to avoid all dairy.
Q. Are these desserts ok for a diabetic or someone with blood sugar issues?
The sweeteners used in these recipes are erythritol and monk fruit extract. They are derived from natural sources and are much better for your blood sugar than traditional sugar.
Obviously as a diabetic, I wouldn’t recommend eating an entire cake in one sitting, and I advise combining these desserts with a healthy diet and exercise. But I believe you can eat these desserts in moderation.
I created these recipes specifically for those looking to lose weight, and those with blood sugar issues. So if that’s you, go ahead and click the button below to grab Diabetes Friendly Desserts and all 3 FREE bonuses today.

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